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Teaching and Learning Leeds Conference 2023

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2023 – Haili Hughes – A Research-Led Profession? (pre-recorded)

Teaching and Learning Leeds Conference 2023

  • Timetable 2023

Workshop facilitator

Haili Hughes

Name of Workshop

A Research-led Profession? How mentors can support ECTs and trainees to engage critically with research

Who is it for

Any mentors or those working to develop staff in whole school roles, teaching and learning leads etc

Brief synopsis of workshop:

Now more than ever, the things we are doing in the classroom and in our schools need to be underpinned or guided by research. Quite right too, as research constantly tells us that what teachers do in our classroom makes the biggest impact on student outcomes (Coe et al., 2014). But as mentors, or those developing colleagues, how do we help teachers to get to grips with this tricky task and bridge the knowing/doing gap with fidelity? This session will combine practical advice, with the expertise of working with around 5000 teachers a year, and equip those working in teacher development with the strategies needed to help teachers really work productively with educational research.

What you will get out of it:

Strategies for engaging with research themselves and helping others engage with research.

Profile of facilitator:

Haili Hughes is Head of Education at IRIS Connect and a Principal Lecturer in mentoring and PD at the University of Sunderland. She is also a former English teacher, Head of Department and Senior Leader.

She has completed three Master’s degrees and is close to submitting a Doctorate in Education. She is passionate about mentoring and attracting English teachers into the profession, while also encouraging students to study English in FE and HE. In addition to delivering mentor CPD across the world, she also delivers workshops in schools across the UK, with the most able learners, particularly those from disadvantaged backgrounds, to raise aspirations and train staff to ensure that they are challenging pupils and developing their pedagogy to meet their needs. Alongside this, Haili delivers the Early Career Framework and NPQLTD and works with universities, schools and colleges on staff development.

In her spare time, she has written three education books and is currently writing the fourth and fifth for large education publishers, as well as writing for the TES and other publications.




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