Sunday Times North Independent School of the Year

Senior School Weekly Bulletin

7 January 2022

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Principal’s message

Sometimes, a teacher can be heard to tell pupils that they have eyes in the back of their head – usually when they are facing the other way! Of course the Roman god Janus, after whom January is named, had a full face on the back of his head and was known as the god of doors and doorways. With two faces, it was thought that he could look forwards and backwards at the same time.

So we step in the open doorway of a new year, and many a resolution may already have been stretched, if not broken completely by now. But schools are places where people make mistakes – and learn from them. Where people are not expected to know everything, but rather have a thirst to keep learning. Where friendships are forged and nurtured – and should be repaired when they break down.

In January 2020, most of us did not realise what was through the new year door. In 2022, although so much has moved on and the world has learnt so much, we still do not know exactly what the next few weeks and months will hold. But that should not prevent us from holding on to the hopes and dreams that any new year’s resolutions inherently suggest. For we can plan to develop ourselves in the ways that are in our control, in the areas that help the wider world and those we come into contact with, as well as ourselves: to work with greater curiosity, creativity and commitment; to open our eyes to new opportunities and to remember to ‘be kind’ as our first response or reaction in every situation.

Happy New Year!

Sue Woodroofe

Accessing links in the bulletin
Please be aware that in order to access links you will need to login with your GSAL email address which is If you have forgotten your username or password please email your year group administrator.

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Whole school notices

Thank you!

The GSAL community generously supported a number of good causes in the run up to Christmas. Over £1.7k was raised for Zarach a local charity which supports children living in poverty. The charity’s work was also featured in the news over the Christmas holidays. In addition, 1,000 food items were donated to St George’s Crypt and over 400 presents to the Gipton Fire Station project.


Thank you to everyone for helping us to follow the government’s COVID-19 guidance which aims to keep all of our pupils and staff safe, as the situation continues to evolve we would like to remind you about a couple of the key measures, and also a change to the testing protocols:


We will be keeping school well ventilated and as the weather gets colder we recommend that pupils wear additional under-layers to ensure that they are comfortable.

Face coverings

Face coverings should be worn in communal areas, classrooms and on school buses by staff, visitors and pupils in Y7 and above, unless they are exempt. Please ensure that your child has a clean face covering with them every day.

Confirmatory PCR tests no longer required

From Tuesday 11 January confirmatory PCR tests following a positive lateral flow device (LFD) test result will be temporarily suspended. This will mean that anyone who receives a positive LFD test result will be required to self-isolate immediately and will not be required to take a confirmatory PCR test.

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Year 9 notices

Parents’ evening

Thu 13 January & Mon 17 January 2022
Please see the attached letter from Mrs Purcell, Head of Y9.

Option Choices

Please find a link to the Y9 option booklet here and also the presentation which was delivered to the year group this week.

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Year 13 notices

Economics trip

A letter from Mr Stevenson for Y13 students regarding a school trip to the Black Sheep Brewery can be found here.

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Key dates

Fri 21 Jan – Entrance exam (school closed)

Fri 11 Feb – School closes for half-term

Mon 21 Feb – School reopens

Fri 1 Apr – Term ends

Wed 20 Apr – Term begins

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