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Teaching and Learning Leeds Conference 2023

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2022 – Amanda Wilson – understanding and overcoming imposter syndrome

Teaching and Learning Leeds Conference 2023

  • Session Choice #5

Workshop facilitator

Amanda Wilson

Name of Workshop

Understanding and overcoming imposter syndrome

Who is it for

All delegates

Brief synopsis of workshop:

Imposter syndrome is something most people can admit to experiencing at some point in their lives and it has an awful habit of catching us off-guard. Just when we think we’ve got everything under control and we’re ready to step out and wow the world, imposter syndrome sneaks up and begins planting seeds of doubt in our minds. We suddenly feel like we’re in too deep, in the wrong place and underserving of the position we find ourselves in.

It can all become very overwhelming.

But what exactly is imposter syndrome? Why do we experience it and how can we stop it from becoming our nemesis?

In this workshop you’ll learn about the psychological roots of imposter syndrome and how you can use this knowledge to counteract negative effects and become confident in the position you hold and the place you’ve been given.

This is your opportunity to learn how to embrace your place at the table and understand that you have everything you need to do whatever you’ve been called to do.

What you will get out of it:

Delegates will develop an understanding of the psychological impact of imposter syndrome, learn techniques to put the self-defeating thoughts in their place and embrace their ability to own their place at the table.

Profile of facilitator:

Amanda is a primary school headteacher with over 20 years experience in the education sector. Over the years, Amanda has used her coaching and leadership development skills to help individuals to become more aware of their abilities, find effective solutions to the challenges they face and move forward in their careers.

Amanda thrives on helping others to accomplish their goals and views herself as a personal cheerleader to many. She firmly believes in the leadership concept of ‘sending the elevator back down’ and will do whatever she can to support those who want to develop further in their careers.

Amanda is currently undertaking a Masters in Coaching and Mentoring Practice at Oxford Brookes University and integrates a range of psychotherapeutic models into her practice to support the work she undertakes with her clients.

Amanda is a regular contributor to TES and also sits on a number of education committees within the Royal Borough of Greenwich.





Or, if you prefer to chat to someone please call our admissions team. For Senior School call 0113 228 5121 and for Primary School call 0113 228 5113.