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Teaching and Learning Leeds Conference 2023

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2022 – Elizabeth Hutchinson – Catch 22 – what you don’t know until someone tells you. The school library; an integral part of the education process.

Teaching and Learning Leeds Conference 2023

  • Session Choice #1

Workshop facilitator

Elizabeth Hutchinson

Name of Workshop

Catch 22 – What you don’t know until someone tells you. The school library; an integral part of the education process.

Who is it for

All delegates

Brief synopsis of workshop:

Which department gives you and your students support in reducing the attainment gap, helps to bridge the digital divide, enhances diversity, and provides for health and wellbeing, whilst also has expertise in literacy and inquiry across the whole school?

This session will help you explore and understand how your school library and librarian can become one of the most valuable departments in your school. Demonstrating how you can ensure value through helping teachers and students engage with your school library beyond Reading for Pleasure and the English Department.

I will explain and give evidence as to how the school librarian, as a servant leader, can support the growth, wellbeing and performance of others. How they can help close the attainment gap, support diversity, health and wellbeing, and introduce you to FOSIL (Framework Of Skills for Inquiry Learning) – a free tool that will help engage all teachers and students in literacy and inquiry.

Your school librarian can be an expert and leader in their specialist field of information-to-knowledge journey and should be integral to your curriculum. Through understanding and advocating for their role, you can enhance their value within your school and this session will guide you to a place where you can start to do this.

What you will get out of it:

An understand of how the school library can be an integral to your curriculum.

Evidence on the impact a school librarian can make to the education process.

Tools to help you engage your teachers and students.

Profile of facilitator:

Elizabeth Hutchinson is a Chartered librarian and Fellow of CILIP. She worked for the Guernsey Schools’ Library Service from 2003 and was appointed Head of Service in 2014. She is now a trainer and Adviser for school libraries and an advocate for FOSIL- Inquiry based Learning. She was awarded the BEM for services to libraries in 2020, is an international speaker, renowned blogger and author of a number of published articles. She is the founder of an online CPD forum for school library staff and teachers called #LibraryStaffLoveLearning. Formally Vice chair of Great School Libraries Elizabeth is an advocate for the importance of school libraries, demonstrating how they can impact student learning and enhance teaching.






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