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Teaching and Learning Leeds Conference 2023

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2022 – Jaz Ampaw-Farr – The power of being 10% braver 

Teaching and Learning Leeds Conference 2023

  • Keynote

Workshop facilitator

Jaz Ampaw-Farr

Name of keynote talk

The power of being 10% braver

Who is it for

All delegates


Brief synopsis of talk:

In her flagship keynote Jaz shares her powerful journey of triumph over adversity. The key of which is everyday heroes – just like you – realising how much impact they have…

Jaz’s resilience drove her from appalling abuse at the hands of her own parents to running away from foster care and life as a teen on the streets, to advising governments and speaking internationally to over one hundred thousand to date.

Clients regularly describe Jaz as, quite simply, transformational. Not only does she reconnect people with their WHY, her impact continues to have an effect long after she has left. From individuals raving about their personal mindset shifts to organisations reporting an increase in morale, productivity and ownership. Jaz’s positive and measurable influence people marked.

Rather than resting on past accomplishments, Jaz lives her words, especially around risk-taking and resilience as both her career as a stand-up comedian and brief stint on TV’s The Apprentice (all while raising three children) are a testament to. Jaz leaves you with the firm belief that the next time you face adversity and challenge, you’ll be ready.

What you will get out of it:

You will be rejuvenated and raring to go.

Profile of facilitator:

Jaz Ampaw- Farr is a ‘resilience ninja’, international speaker, coach and author.

Hailed as ‘The British Oprah’ in the US, Jaz has travelled the world advising governments, educators and helping tens of thousands of people with her bespoke leadership development programmes, training courses and motivational speeches. And as a successful entrepreneur, mum of three, and former teacher – she knows a thing or two about galvanising people into action!

She has written for the Times Higher Education Supplement and has an awe-inspiring TEDx Talk that’s been viewed over 90,000 times. Delivered in her unique style, this talk serves a cocktail of emotions about how five teachers changed her life and how everyday heroes, just like you, can transform lives too.

As an ambassador for schools and the education sector, Jaz can empower your team of everyday heroes under three main themes: Inspire, Motivate, Transform. She will also share how to instil an unshakeable resilience and mindset that will last them a lifetime.




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